Coul Links looking North towards Ben Bhraggie February 2016 Coul Links looking North towards Ben Bhraggie February 2016 (© copyright Ian Horsfield 2024, all rights reserved)

Coul Links (golf or not)

Coul Links lies just to the north of Dornoch on the east coast of Sutherland in Scotland. It is an area of dynamic coastal sand dunes, with internationally important wetland features, bordered to the east by Embo beach and the North Sea and to the north by the mouth of Loch Fleet. Immediately to the west lies improved farmland and to the south the village of Embo. The centre of the links is positioned at approximately 57.9°N, 4°W, grid ref. NH814939. The land forms part of Coul Farm. It is proposed that a golf course will be built on Coul Links. The Highland Council Impact Assessment form accompanying the initial planning submission states that "The proposed development has the potential to affect nature conservation interests on and around the site that are designated as being of international and national importance (Ramsar, Special Protection Area and Site of Special Scientific Interest). In addition, there are recorded archaeological remains and the archaeological potential of the site is high". The site is a hive of biodiversity, home to over 1,400 species.


Drone's-eye fly-overs of the recent (shot in March 2024) erosion of the the dune edge at Coul that the developers have declared to be stable is available at and the Winter flooding still extensive in March 2024 at The Coul golfing season looks to be starting late this year. Drone video of the southern section of Coul Links with views towards the northern section that show the dune slacks in their Winter flooded condition can be found at and dry in early September at


After The Highland Council approved the planning application for a golf course at Coul Links, against the advice of its planning officer and of SNH (now NatureScot), the case was called in by Scottish ministers. A Public Inquiry was held in February/March 2019.


The inquiry reported to ministers in November 2019. On 21 February 2020 a decision was announced, “The Scottish Government has considered the reporter’s findings carefully and agree with the recommendation that planning permission should be refused.” “The likely detriment to natural heritage is not outweighed by the socio-economic benefits of the proposal.”


The Scottish ministers' reasoning suggests that a golf course routing at Coul Farm more sympathetic to the ecosystems of the dunes and respectful of their protection classifications could have met with little objection.


June 2022 saw a very similar scheme to the original entering the planning process. That application was validated in February 2023. The groundhog is not one of the species that make Coul Links worthy of environmental protection. At considerable time and taxpayer expense, a Public Inquiry confirmed that Coul Links is a site of national importance. The revived golf course proposal is being justified on the grounds of local (East Sutherland) economic benefit. That benefit would to a significant extent be gained at the expense of other golf tourism destinations within Scotland.


Details of the current planning application can be found at  reference 23/00580/FUL.


The report to councillors from the Highland Council Area Planning Manager North recommending refusal of the planning application can be found at Item 6.2 at


February 2024 - The Scottish Government has called in the Coul Links golf course application and the Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) has appointed Reporters to examine the case and advise Ministers. Details can be found at case number NA-270-010.


This website aims to collect and provide links to items appearing on the internet that concern Coul Links and the proposal to site a golf course on that dune land. There is little editorial input beyond the brief description above, the choice and tone of "News Flashes" and the now extensive timeline below (and in the news archive) and our efficiency, or otherwise, in locating and correctly labelling relevant links. (A number of the links provided have become obsolete as interested parties have become inactive in the months/years since Scottish Ministers refused planning permission for the first proposed golf course at Coul Links.)


We hope that this website can serve to help people make an informed decision on support for or opposition to a golf course on Coul Links. The golf course plan has, regrettably but understandably, created deep divisions in local opinion with a quantity of questionable rhetoric reported in the local press, ("Cars and cats kill more birds than golfers." councillor McGillivray, The Press & Journal 13th November 2017). During the progress of the first planning application, the planning submission, consultee responses and public comment on The Highland Council planning website very possibly constituted a more reliable source of facts than did the media coverage listed in the lower part of this page. Along with media links, at the foot of this page we will seek to include any information that we can source, be it press releases or data, published by the developers or their agents.


When older news updates (now in the news archive page) sometimes read as being critical, it was no more than simple frustration with the demise of communication with the public from the original would-be developers and their failure to submit documents within the deadlines set by the Public Inquiry. We also admit to a growing frustration with the re-emergence of the discredited first proposal dressed up as fresh thinking and we recognise that some of the News Flash items reveal exasperation with the conduct of the planning saga. had intended to remain active to report on outcomes for Coul Links such as a management agreement and prospects for the recovery of the Northern Brown Argus butterfly presence after the fire of late March 2020. It will now remain active to monitor the progress of the second golf course planning proposal.


For links to media coverage of the Coul Links saga, scroll to lower on this page.


News and commentary


COMMENT - 10 February 2025 - A DPEA update on 31 January states that "The report and recommendations are being finalised and will be submitted to Scottish Ministers as soon as possible". Now would be the moment for the developers to end the rancour, exhibit some environmental sensitivity and get a golf course with wow factor built, by withdrawing the current application and submitting a genuinely creative proposal for a course layout on the upper slopes of Coul Farm.


NEWS FLASH - 16 January 2025 - The Applicant's closing submissions, dated 15 January, have been delivered by its agent Ness planning in a 67 page document and a 17 page summary availabale at    


"C4C is a most unusual applicant'  (para.4): Destined to dissolve and hand over the reins to the landowner and the developer but not representing the interests of the landowner or the developer and funded by donations from sources undisclosed. Formed by self-appointed directors, C4C is a not-for-profit limited company, but it is a stretch to see it as the "community applicant" mentioned in para.6(c).


The submissions can be read as having a dispiritingly Trumpian vibe - ours are the facts because we say they are; while opposing expert opinion/evidence is wrong, its authors compromised or insufficiently qualified. So much emphasis on dismantling the credibility of opponents perhaps betrays an awareness of the weakness of the C4C arguments. Para.205's unequivocal statement that "this proposal is of national importance" disappears  under the moving sands of page after page establishing that any potential benefits can only be of local rather than national importance.


C4C has chosen to break a long Facebook silence with a reminder to Scottish ministers that doubles down on local importance. It appears that they can't quite convince themselves that their national importance case is convincing.


Perhaps Scottish ministers will play politics with this application but those who would like to see a golf course on Coul Links might feel more confident if some arguments that would both nod at satisfying the national Planning Framework and find maybe a single national benefit angle had been presented. In these closing submissions they get neither.


NEWS FLASH - 7 December 2024 - The deadline for closing submissions to the Inquiry has been extended. All parties (except The Highland Council and the applicant): 13 December. The Highland Council: 20 December. Applicant 10 January.


INQUIRY TAKE-AWAY - 14 November 2024 - Matters of concern to the local community Session

The final evening session brought a welcome dose of sincerity to the public hearing but also a nagging frustration for those in favour of the current golf course application and those who would like to see golf at Coul. Communities4Coul needed to establish that a golf course at Coul Links would deliver economic benefits of national significance. Their experts and a raft of contributors to the local community session have succeeded only in describing possible economic benefits of national importance to the breakaway Golfing Republic of East Sutherland.


INQUIRY TAKE-AWAYS - 14 November 2024 - Socio economic Session

1. A day when opinion and surmise were somewhow allowed to be given equal weight with the scientific rigour of the ecological arguments of days 1-3.

2. Professor Bell for the applicant deems that the socio-economic impact of building Scotland's five hundred and eighty something golf course is of national importance as it solidifies Scotland's reputation for golf.

3. Did it not cross the mind of Mr Stewart, a director of the applicant Communities4Coul, to recuse himself from presenting evidence on behalf of Brora Golf Club? Did it not cross the mind of Mrs Knox, a director of Communities4Coul, to recuse herself from giving evidence on behalf of Dornoch BID?


NEWS FLASH - 13 November 2024 - On Facebook, Communities4Coul are light on the mundane stuff of explaining their Inquiry case and strong on casting their "heroic" team as David taking on Goliath. Did David start the war and did the little guy have the support of billionaire golf developers? For C4C, history is unclear on these questions. 


INQUIRY TAKE-AWAYS - 13 November 2024

1. A third day of opposition experts, this time the conservation coalition, finding shortcomings in the applicant's attitude to survey work. Scottish Ministers, in assessing the merits of the original application, decided that, in terms of surveying invertebrates, more could have been done. Learning the lesson, this time the applicant has commissioned no invertabrate surveys. Relying on old data is described by the applicant's ecoloy expert as "just unfortunate". It does rather invite the cynic to conclude that if you don't want to find, don't look.

2. By monopolising large chunks of Inquiry time, individual species, ringed plover on Tuesday, Fonseca's seed fly on Wednesday, are wilfully ignoring the applicant's ecology expert's frequently stated view that individual species are insignificant features.

3. Coul Links is the 4th most important UK site for lichens; and the smallest of those top 4. With a score of 37, Coul Links surpasses the threshold of 20 needed for notification as a SSSI on the grounds of lichen interest. No UK golf course, managed for nature or not, achieves the threshold score.


INQUIRY TAKE-AWAY - 12 November 2024 - Mr Haspall, for the applicant, claims that the construction stage for the golf course will take "3 months tops"; Ideally taking place after the bird nesting season and aiming to get seed into the ground before winter. No mention of club house, carparks, access road, reservoir, or any other infrastructure in, or adjacent to the SSI.


INQUIRY TAKE-AWAYS - 11 November 2024 - A few observations on the C4C arguments in support of a golf course at Coul Links:
1. It is not justifiable (even for a billionaire developer it seems) to fund the 4 or 5 weeks of expert's time needed to produce a comprehensive survey of the plant life present at Coul Links. Perhaps no point in locating too many species when you are going to "restore" the whole site.
2. Individual species are seemingly "insignificant features". The "ecological function" is what matters.
3. Mowing heather, and everything else, down to 10-15mm high is "habitat modification" not "habitat loss".
4. Well-heeled golfers will be "interested" to play on fairways characterised by flowers and flies. It might be imagined that they will be less enamoured of sprained wrists when their club heads connect with fairway heather roots.


NEWS FLASH - 8 November 2024 - The public hearing starts on Monday. Webcasts of all sessions will be accessible at 


NEWS FLASH - 8 November - Via Facebook, planning applicant Communities for Coul is kind enough to remind us that the Coul Links golf course proposal is "effectively an ambitious dune restoration project, funded and enabled by a light-touch golf course"! So admirable priorities like that have allowed Mr Keiser to make money out of golf resorts - who knew?


NEWS FLASH - 26 October 2024 - With the public hearing sessions starting in just over two weeks, the Communities for Coul website provides very little information on the hearing or on what will be discussed. In stark contrast, the website published by opposition group NotCoul contains a wealth of detailed information It seems that those protesting the current golf course plan are keen that the public/"communities", are fully informed: While those fronting for the would-be developers are appearing considerably less enthusiastic about sharing information.


NEWS FLASH - 10 October 2024 - The Scottish Government Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) will tomorrow publish, in The Edinburgh Gazette and The Northern Times, a notice of public hearing session. The hearing session wil start at 10.00 on 11 November at Embo Community Centre and will run for 5 days. The proceedings can be followed via webcast at


All documents relating to the planning application can be viewed at Dornoch Library and at the Highland Council offices HQ in Inverness.


NEWS FLASH - 14 August 2024 - The Scottish Government Planning and Environmental Appeals Division has published agendas for the Ecology and Tourism and Socio-Economics Hearing sessions - available at


NEWS FLASH - 1 June 2024 - The Commuities for Coul Facebook storyline doubles down on positioning Coul Links golf development as a solution to Highland depopulation. "If Coul Links is built, it will create up to 400 good jobs for young people with which they can support growing families - and provide some decent housing too." They fail to explain how a seasonal golf course (with the length of the season dictated by when the winter flooding subsides) creates "good jobs" that can sustain year-round mortgage payments and attract 400, or any, young families to the area. If Coul Links golf course is to be built, it needs to be justified by facts not fantasy.


NEWS FLASH - 21 May 2024 - The Reporters have circulated a note of the Pre-Examination Meeting of 13 May. The note lists "all the arrangements that were discussed and agreed" at the meeting including the decision not to hold any inquiry sessions so cross-examination is excluded from the process. The applicant was certainly content with hearing sessions and this route was the preference of the Highland Council, so perhaps the video link to the meeting dropped out for the few moments when all parties agreed that an inquiry was unnecessary. (The note can be found via the link in the news flash of 15 May.)


NEWS FLASH - 15 May 2024 - Monday's Pre-Examination Meeting saw the DPEA Reporters proposing that written submissions would suffice to inform them on many of the matters relating to the Coul Links golf development. In this they were supported by counsel to the applicant who went further in suggesting that policy, economic and ecological issues could also be adequately assessed without oral evidence or discussion.


Hopefully guided by nothing other than cost and time considerations, the Reporters indicated that they were "leaning towards" a "hybrid super hearing approach" to avoid the additional time involved in the cross-examination sessions of an Inquiry. Counsel reported that proceedings longer than a week would be "of concern" to the applicant. While counsel for the Conservation Coalition pointed out that examination of the ecology arguments alone had taken two weeks at the last Inquiry, the Reporters outlined that they envisage ecology taking three days of a hearing, tourism and economy one day, policy half a day. Coastal erosion will not warrant oral evidence or discussion and hydrology will be subsumed into ecology sessions.


The Reporters' proposal of an August hearing was inconvenient for the applicant. A provisional date of the week starting 11 November was agreed, with the Reporters to conduct an unaccompanied site visit prior to the hearing.


COMMENT - 15 May 2024 - Nature, ecology, environment? No, what appears to matter here is cost and not disrupting the applicants' holiday plans (Mr Keiser can console himself that C4C "chose" him, he didn't commission them).


If convenience, time and money are the prime considerations, let's confine investigation to written submissions as favoured by the applicant. As no conceivable national economic benefit is credibly advanced in their golf proposal, and as it is fatuous to suggest that a Ramsar site will be ecologically enhanced by carving a golf course through it (with no mitigation offered elsewhere), the golf application can be summarily dismissed by Scottish Ministers.


Perhaps the opportunity to hear and examine evidence should be embraced rather than restricted. The time, energy, passion and expertise that has been expended is surely indicative of the truth that the future of Coul Links is worth public investment in establishing a way forward – again.


NEWS FLASH - 11 May 2024 - The pre-examination meeting (virtual) to discuss the practical arrangements for the inquiry is scheduled for 11am on Monday 13 May.


NEWS FLASH - 20 March 2024 - DPEA has announced that the reporters have reviewed available documentation and "have decided that hearing or inquiry sessions are likely to be required to assist in writing their report". Administration arrangements will be discussed at a virtual pre-examination meeting currently scheduled for 11am on Monday 13 May.


COMMENT - 2 March 2024 - A remarkable drone video of Coul Links posted on Facebook by Not Coul yesterday Although the golf course is planned to be closed at this time of year, it is hard to see how a viable course could be created when so much of the links is prone to this degree of Winter flooding. Moving a small mountain of sand might do it. Mowing the existing vegetation, and reducing its diversity in the process, as C4C and Mr Keiser currently propose would seem futile. World-class golf (in a world-class wetland) shows ambition but surely the reality is, as the recent accelerated erosion of Golspie and Fortrose & Rosemarkie golf courses has highlighted, that if East Sutherland needs another golf course that course needs to be sited on land a few metres higher than, and further from, the waves, tides and water-table of the dunes at Coul.


NEWS FLASH - 26 February 2024 - The Scottish Government Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) has listed the Reporters who will handle the Coul Links case as Mr David Buylla and Mr Stuart West.


Meanwhile some hints of interesting communication with Scottish Ministers is revealed on the DPEA website. On 9 December Communities for Coul were on a freedom of information fishing trip for correspondence between MSP Ariane Burgess and Not Coul. On 18 December Councillor McGillivray was wishing the Minister for Energy and the Environment happy Christmas and reminding her that an "intriguing" election year was imminent.


COMMENT - 25 February 2024 - Having missed the Nigg golf course opportunity and with Coul Links at best 3 years away, Cabot Highland (Castle Stuart), with its second course as yet unplayable, looks isolated; a hard sell while it remains the only piece in the Keiser Highland Coast golf destination. So some pragmatism and welcome humility is apparent in Cabot's February online marketing .


A year ago Cabot Highlands' General Manager was enthusing that Cabot's "control" of where visiting golfers  played, stayed, ate and drank would be "masterful" (see News Archive 20 March 2023). Now Cabot is obliged to tell a more diplomatic story, extolling the charms of historic golf at Tain and Golspie and even suggesting that golfers might like to spend the night in Dornoch. For now the Keiser camp needs supporting golf attractions to draw golfers away from other Scottish golf destinations and there seems to be belated realisation that their own Coul Links narrative is based on creating employment in the very localised East Sutherland area. Mr Keiser and Cabot need to acquire some more Highland golf real estate to save them from having to be considerate of local, long-established golf interests or to think about getting their stories in sync.


NEWS FLASH - 23 February 2024 - The published photograph of the throng that answered Communities for Coul's call to gather at Coul Links in support of their golf course plan, suggests that 27 adults (including C4C directors and a Dragonfly Promotions photographer) and 4 children could find the time to attend. The Northern Times deemed this mass display of support worthy of front page coverage.


NEWS FLASH - 9 February 2024 - The Scottish Government has called in the Coul Links golf course application. Ministers "have given this Direction in view of the proposed development's potential impact on nationally and internationally important natural heritage assets and the need for an appropriate understanding of the scale and degree of potential economic benefits arising from the proposal". A Reporter will now be assigned. Details can be found at case number NA-270-10.


NEWS FLASH - 30 January 2024 - On 29 January The Highland Council informed Scottish Ministers that statutory consultee NatureScot has maintained its objection to the Coul Links golf course proposal. Ministers have until 27 February to call-in the planning application or to accept The Highland Council North Planning Applications Committee's seemingly perverse assessment that the golf course proposal will deliver national (not just local) economic benefit and comply with the National Planning Framework.


NEWS FLASH - 7 December 2023 - At First Minister's Questions, MSP Ariane Burgess asked Humza Yousaf "Will the First Minister confirm that the decision (to approve the golf course at Coul Links) will now be called in to Ministers and reaffirm the Scottish Government's commitment to respecting all international treaty obligations, including the Ramsar convention?". The First Minister acknowledged the "utmost importance" of the impact planning applications could have on nature and natural environment but declined to comment on a live application. 


NEWS FLASH - 7 December 2023 - A range of reactions to the planning approval emerging, from C4C's "absolutely delighted", to MSP Araine Burgess' "shocked" and Iolo Williams' "@HighlandCouncil you are an absolute bloody disgrace!!!! Are you blind & deaf to the biodiversity crisis?!".


NEWS FLASH - 6 December 2023 - MSP Ariane Burgess tells The Northern Times that she will be "calling on the Scottish Government to reconsider" the Coul decision "and to uphold Scotland's planning policies and the wishes of the local community".


NEWS FLASH - 6 December 2023 - Highland Council planning committee approves the Coul Links golf course application on an 8 to 6 vote. 8 and 6 is an outstanding win in any golf match but, as in the first round back in 2018, it can be applauded as a steady par on the first for Mr Keiser.


However, it is perhaps difficult to see developer Mr Keiser viewing the 8:6 majority his current team has won as an improvement on the 15:1 majority achieved last time around (and that didn't turn out so well). But the vote can be seen as heartening proof that 6 members of the planning committee have recognised the environmental and biodiversity priorities emphasised in National Planning Framework 4 and are willing to see further than parish pump politics. 


The Northern Times quotes an "absolutely delighted" Communities for Coul who claim their plans "provide a guaranteed future for the wonderful, wild coastal environment of Coul Links". While The National reports the reaction from RSPB Scotland's North Scotland area manager, "It's really regrettable the proposals are now at this stage given how clearly it's been shown that Coul links is not the place for this kind of development. We're urging Ministers to call in the development to ensure that Coul Links is safeguarded for nature and people into the future rather than being irreparably harmed". (Scroll down for links to media coverage of story.)


NEWS FLASH - 5 December 2023 - The Northern Times confirms recent rumours "A wealthy American businessman has made a shock bid to take over Golspie Golf Club". The NT article describes "an 80-year old who has made his fortune through his ownership of food manufacturing companies" and "a member of the Royal Dornoch Golf Club and Skibo Golf Club" (sic - The Carnegie Club). Comments in the Northern Times Facebook post suggest the interest comes from Joe Masterson.


NEWS FLASH - 4 December 2023 - The Communities for Coul Facebook campaign today reminds councillors that they are answerable to their electorate and sees a "good chance" that the planning committee will be unconvinced by the expertise of their planning officers and by the expertise of NatureScot. And C4C has good reason to be confident. It's a brave and enlightened councillor who gives weight to national considerations when local foghorns such as these blare in their ear.


However, planning officers are obliged to take a more holistic approach. Just as NaureScot's objection is informed by the national (and international) designations and protections afforded to Coul Links, so Highland Council planning officers must consider not simply local issues but also the emphases placed on the environment and biodiversity within National Planning Framework 4. The relevance of these national guidelines was highlighted in the objection submitted by The Highland Council Ecology Officer (6 May) who unequivocally stated, "We also object to the proposal as it is contrary to National Planning Framework 4 Policy".


It's difficult not to feel sympathetic towards planning committee members. Last time around they were unaware of what became clear only after the time and expense of a Public Inquiry; the economic case could not trump the inevitable environmental damage. This time we know a lot more about both the local and the national importance of Coul Links in terms of habitats, species and amenity; and we hear a no-more-convincing economic case. C4C's confidence appears to take councillors somewhat for granted.


NEWS FLASH - 1 December 2023 - Rumours are emerging of American interest in buying Golspie Golf Club (sited between Coul Links and Golspie). The Club has called an EGM for 7 December.


NEWS FLASH - 1 December 2023 - The owner of Coul Links has bought a full page advertisement in The Northern Times print edition in which he presents a list of pledges he will personally deliver if the golf course plan comes to fruition. Amongst these are a fully-funded SSSI management plan and the employment of a Coul Ecology Officer. He reassures us that he will remain the owner of Coul Links but neglects to mention that it is under his family's ownership that the management plan was not renewed and the deterioration in the condition of the dunes has taken place.  


NEWS FLASH - 30 November 2023 - Rumoured to have been doing his best work in the Inverness corridors of power, twice-bitten, never shy Coul Links golf cheerleader Councillor McGillivray is feeling sufficiently confident to submit copy to The Press & Journal. In an opinion piece parroting Communities for Coul messaging, he emphasises the poor state of the economy, "there is no public money", perhaps hinting that he believes the Scottish Government will have no financial appetite for a second Public Inquiry. 


NEWS FLASH - 30 November 2023 - On its Facebook page on 29 November, Communities for Coul declared "Coul Links is one of very many Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in trouble. Experts estimate it will cost approx. £500k over a 3-5 year period to properly restore it. THE GOLF COURSE DEVELOPERS HAVE COMMITTED TO SPENDING THIS MONEY" (Their caps.) When does this committed spend start? Is this ring-fenced environmental restoration spend? Or is it spend on golf course construction as somehow environmentally restorative? Can golfers and non-golfers alike please hold the developers to account on this commitment?


 NEWS FLASH - 29 November 2023 - See Item 6.2 at for the Highland Council Area Planning Manager North's report to committee recommending refusal of Communities for Coul's golf course planning application.


NEWS FLASH - 27 November 2023 - After more than three and a half months of zero information, the Communities for Coul Facebook page springs to life to appeal directly to Highland councillors for their support. However, it's a risk to assume that councillors can't tell fact from fiction. "The development will create up to 400 much-needed jobs for young people" - not even their own economic experts predict 400 jobs for young people. The development will "help stem our depopulation crisis" - The Highland Council website states that the population of the Highland Council Area increased by 13.9% between 2001 and 2021. The rare dune system will be rescued from "the invasive species currently threatening to overwhelm it" - their environmental experts don't suggest that the dune system is about to be overwhelmed. Deal in facts and the golf course application will stand or fall on its merits. Treat the public and their representatives as fools, and you deserve to fail.


NEWS FLASH - 27 November 2023 - The Northern Times reports that "Highland Council planning officials are recommending that the controversial application for a championship golf course at Coul Links be refused".


NEWS FLASH - 24 November 2023 - Perhaps what's been quiet in the Coul debate has been a voice that resonates with the experience of being there - a place that is simply good for the soul. Whether or not you want to see golf at Coul, it may be timely that NotCoul has released a video about the essence and life-enhancing qualities of Coul Links. The heartfelt wonder expressed by the contributing experts contrasts sharply with the monetise-or-dereliction narrative delivered elsewhere by the planning applicant's hired-gun expertise. See the video at


NEWS FLASH - 24 November 2023 - The Communities for Coul company has written to Highland councillors in advance of the North Planning Applications Committee meeting of 6 December at which the Coul golf course application will be considered. The "primary concern" is to invalidate the objection submitted by NatureScot, though space is given to questioning the expertise of organisations such as the RSPB and to some dog-whistle localism. The company states that "all the information given and assertions made are factual".


Unfortunately, by the second paragraph the letter may have taken some liberties with "factual" with what is by now the persistent description of the application as being "community-led".


The application would appear to be "community-led" only in as much that, without a mandate provided by any local population, 5 individuals have set up a company, included the word "communities" in its name and positioned themselves, via their company, as actors for the community. Which community is unclear but it seems to be one with a consensus to closely align itself with the commercial interests of the developer whose application for a golf course at Coul Links was found to be unconvincing, and inevitably damaging, by a Public Inquiry and by Scottish Ministers.


Can it be "factual" to suggest that a planning application is community-led when that community is made up of the 5 directors of the applicant company? If the Communities for Coul company is content to be so woolly about what "community-led" might mean, how can any other of the information and assertions it presents be confidently accepted as "factual"? Scrupulous clarity should be a prerequisite of the stewardship of a site as diverse and precious as Coul Links.


NEWS FLASH - 1 November 2023 - The Coul Links golf development is slated to appear on the agenda of the next Highland Council North Planning Applications Committee meeting scheduled for 6 December. 


NEWS FLASH - 29 September 2023 - The Highland Council has published notices in The Edinburgh Gazette (22 September) and The Northern Times (28 September) announcing that the agents acting for Communities for Coul have submitted additional information in support of the Coul Links golf course planning application. This opens another 28 day window (from publication date) for public representations and comments.


NEWS FLASH - 02 September 2023 - The Northern Times, usually an unquestioning reporter of attempts to build a golf course on the protected land at Coul Links, has picked up on an article published in The Ferret on 27 August that reveals a "direct link" between Communities for Coul and the US developers behind the discredited first application to build on Coul Links. Finally some light of publicity being shone on the blindingly obvious.


NEWS FLASH - 30 August 2023 - The Northern Times reports that the Coul Links golf application will not be considered at the September North Planning Application Committee meeting and will now be examined at the 1 November meeting.


NEWS FLASH - 10 August 2023 - On its Facebook news page, Communities for Coul has returned to the story that only a golf course sited in natural sand dunes beside the sea at Coul Links can be commercially viable. A golf course on the slopes of Coul Farm, overlooking the dunes and the sea, would not attract the necessary number of visitors.


Texas has a golf industry worth $1.7billion and 907 golf courses ( ranks Trinity Forest the number one golf course in Texas - it has hosted PGA tour events. Trinity Forest is not sited on sand dunes, of which Texas has many. It is laid out over an almost flat former landfill site. Coul Links designers Coore and Crenshaw designed Trinity Forest.


Testament to the abilities of Coore and Crenshaw. And stretching credibility for C4C to imlpy that they need nature to do the design work for them to create a commercially viable course at Coul Farm.


NEWS FLASH - 4 August 2023 - With their Coul Links golf course application likely to be considered at September's meeting of the Highland Council North Area Planning Committee, Communities for Coul is making a concerted effort to discredit NatureScot, its methodology and its objection to the planning application. (See Links to local press towards the foot of this page.)


NEWS FLASH - 31 July 2023 - Some mixed messaging from the Mike Keiser camp.


Golf Digest (25 July) reports that Cabot Highland has broken ground on their new Tom Doak designed golf course adjacent to the now re-named Castle Stuart course. The site is largely gently sloping farmland - "The golf features at the new course will need to be imagined and constructed, like those at Castle Stuart were". (Golf Digest ranks Castle Stuart the 72nd best golf course in the world.) "Cabot Highlands and the Doak Course adds another magnetic force that should not just attract players to the north of Scotland, but also keep them there longer".


Meanwhile, the Observer/Guardian (30 July) reports Coul Links planning applicant Communities for Coul doggedly repeating the line that Coul Links "can't be just another golf course. It has to be a world-class golf course ... on genuine links land right next to the sea, following the natural contours, not some artificial obstacles created on flat farmland".


Cabot will no doubt be thrilled to hear their new project dismissed as sub-standard - "just another golf course". The Highland Council Planning Committee might take note that a commercially viable golf course could be imagined and constructed on non-environmentally-valuable land at Coul Farm. 


NEWS FLASH - 1 June 2023 - The Coul Links golf course application is not listed for consideration in the published agenda of the Highland Council North Planning Applications Committee meeting on 7 June. The next meeting is scheduled for 9 August. 


NEWS FLASH - 17 May 2023 - The Highland Council Planning website has published the Consultation Response from The Highland Council Ecology Officer (dated 16 May). "We object to the proposed development due to insufficient current ecological information to allow a robust assessment of the ecological resources of the site and associated impacts." And: "We also object to the proposal as it is contrary to National Planning Framework 4 Policy 3b that states 'Development proposals for national or major development, or for development that requires an Environmental Impact assessment will only be supported where it can be demonstrated that the proposal will conserve, restore and enhance biodiversity, including nature networks so they are in a demonstrably better state than without intervention'".


NEWS FLASH - 12 May 2023 - The week finishes with 1,045 public comments published on the Highland Council Planning website - 726 objections, 311 support comments. 70% against the current golf course plan, 30% in favour.


NEWS FLASH - 10 May 2023 - The previous admirable positivity of the Communities4Coul Facebook messaging seems to have lost discipline as their story has lurched to a focus on the objectors. As they loudly announce, objectors NotCoul have distributed a news-sheet to homes in Dornoch, Embo, Brora and Golspie. And, unhelpfully for the golf project, as the C4C tone becomes more confrontational, the first planning application's more toxic and discredited support has resurfaced.


NEWS FLASH - 5 May 2023 - NatureScot comment published on Highland Council planning website. "We therefore object to this proposal as it will result in unavoidable adverse effects on natural heritage interests of national importance." "If the planning authority intends to grant planning permission against this advice, you must notify Scottish Ministers."


So the Highland councillors on the North Planning Applications Committee will have to decide whether they yet again burden taxpayers with the expense of kicking this can down the road to Scottish Ministers.



Coul Links golf course current proposal


Also see News Archive. The company fronting the proposal has an online presence at and For an alternative reading visit and


After a local councillor made a shambolic attempt to resurrect the original golf course scheme, with added par 3 course, in Autumn 2020, a more concerted effort to relaunch the project surfaced in January 2021 with the publication of Communities for Coul, a private limited company registered in Scotland, suggests that Brexit and Covid have changed the economic climate to such an extent that the benefits will outweigh any environmental concerns and further that the new golf course proposal “is now an environmental project with a golf course at its heart".


A week later the owner of Coul Farm announced his intention to build a hotel overlooking the links – construction to be started when the golf course receives planning approval.


In April 2021, Communities for Coul announced that Mike Keiser, the developer behind the original golf course plan, had been “selected” to build the revived golf course, funding the project should planning consent be granted.


Communities for Coul proceeded to stage a postal ballot and series of tightly managed online question and answer sessions to establish a narrative of consultation and public support. Meanwhile The Scottish Government’s Dynamic Coast project mapped areas of coastal flooding where the golf course is to be routed and forecast that the dune edge would retreat inland by up to 93 metres this century. Meanwhile Foveran Links in Aberdeenshire, home to Trump International Scotland golf course, of which Donald Trump said “this will be environmentally better after it is built than it is before”, lost its Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) status due to irreparable damage - extravagant promises of local jobs have never materialised. Parallels will inevitably be drawn.


Having declared that the original layout was the only one available at Coul Farm for a “world-class” golf course, Coore and Crenshaw have made modifications to their routing to make small concessions to specific environmental concerns and adopted the mowing of existing vegetation to create fairways. 


A scoping application was submitted to The Highland Council in March 2022 with the aim to “file a planning application in 2022 and start work on the project in 2023”. Communities for Coul appealed for £150,000 of crowdfunding to meet the costs of expert support (a target reportedly reached on 26 September 2022). A Proposal of Planning Application Notice (PAN) was submitted on 19 June 2022.


Also in June, Cabot, a company associated with Mike Keiser, acquired Castle Stuart golf course near Inverness, renaming it Cabot Highlands and announcing plans for a second course and accommodation on site. Communities for Coul published the opinion that its chosen developer’s plans for Cabot Highlands would have “a significant negative economic impact on the towns and villages of the Dornoch Firth” so Coul Links, from the same developer, was needed as a counterbalance to prevent “very bad news”.


The aim to submit a planning application for Coul Links in 2022 was not met. However, with Cabot Highlands, Mike Keiser has put the first piece in place for a new Highland golf coast destination - as the Cabot Highlands' website depicts it, "Cabot's first UK property in its diverse collection of world-class golf and master-planned communities". Communities for Coul, a limited company perhaps misleadingly referred to in press coverage as a "community group', announced on 9 February 2023 that a planning application for Coul Links has been submitted. The deadline for public comments on the application is 12 May 2023.


There are two online petitions to "Save Coul Links". One is still live from the first planning application and currently has attracted more than 93,900 signatures  The second is specific to the new planning application  and has already gained more than 24,800 signatures towards its 25,000 target



Planning applications to The Highland Council


Reference: 23/00580/FUL

Application received: 5 February 2023

Proposal: Construction of an 18 hole golf course, practice area, access, parking, ancillary intrastructure and the change of use of existing buildings to form clubhouse, pro shop, maintenance shed and ancillary facilities


Reference: 17/04601/FUL

Application received: 29 September 2017

Proposal: Development of 18 hole golf course, erection of clubhouse, renovation of existing buildings for maintenance facility, pro-shop, caddy hut, workshop, administration building, information booth, formation of new private access from C1026

Reference: 17/04404/FUL

Application received: 20 September 2017

Proposal: Drilling of two boreholes and construction of water storage reservoir (maximum capacity 20000cu.m) for irrigation of (future) golf course





Not Coul press release - NPAC planning approval 6 December 2023
Press Release Not Coul_NPAC 23_00580_FUL[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [180.1 KB]
NatureScot consultation comment (objection) - NEWS FLASH - 5 May 2023
NatureScot consultation comment 5 May 20[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [873.7 KB]
Coul Links Golf Course planning notice - NEWS FLASH - 10 March 2023
Coul Links planning ad 10 March 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.0 MB]
Communities for Coul ballot paper - NEWS FLASH - 9 June 2021
Communities for Coul ballot paper June 2[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]
Report to Scottish Ministers
Dated 27 November 2019. 302 pages
Adobe Acrobat document [2.3 MB]
Note of pre-examination meeting
Dated 5 November 2018. Circulated 7 November 2018
note of pre-examination meeting_562098.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [120.5 KB]
Scottish Ministers' call in letter to The Highland Council 24 August 2018
Adobe Acrobat document [58.9 KB]
Scottish Wildife Trust letter to Ramsar Convention 17 August 2018
Scottish Wildlife Trust et al letter to [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [714.1 KB]
Not Coul Ramsar Appropriate Assessment press release 18 June 2018
Ramsar AA Coul Links Golf PR by Not Coul[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [212.1 KB]
Report by Area Planning Manager (30 May 2018)
Adobe Acrobat document [874.5 KB]
Not Coul press release - letter to Chair of Committee - please reconsider and why 13 June 2018
NC Press Release - Council Planning Chai[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [223.0 KB]
Not Coul letter to Chair of Highland Council North Area Planning Committee 11 June 2018
Adobe Acrobat document [215.6 KB]
Loch Fleet SSSI citation
Loch Fleet SSSI citation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [31.5 KB]
Loch Fleet SSSI map
Loch Fleet SSSI map.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
Loch Fleet SSSI operations requiring consent from Scottish Natural Heritage
Loch Fleet SSSI operations requiring con[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [22.4 KB]
Scottish planning policy 2014: extract: A natural, resilient place
scottish planning policy 2014 extract.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [133.7 KB]
Conservation partnership letter to Todd Warnock/Mike Keiser August 2016
Conservation partnership letter to Todd [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [303.5 KB]
Coul Links Golf press release 25 October 2017
Coul Links Golf Press release 25-10-17.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [894.8 KB]
Coul Links Golf press release final 29 September 2017
Coul Links Golf Press release Final for [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [32.7 KB]
Scottish Natural Heritage response to Highland Council
Coul Links planning application - SNH re[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [257.2 KB]
Scottish Natural Heritage further response to Highland Council
snh further response 25 may 2018.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [332.6 KB]
SEPA response to Highland Council
Revised 23.03.2018
SEPA response 12Dec2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [296.7 KB]
Coul response
Letter (unpublished) to The Northern Times from Dr Tom Dargie dated 19th August 2016
Coul Response _ Dargie Unacknowledged Le[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [327.0 KB]
NotCoul pamphlet August 2016
NotCoul pamphlet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.9 MB]
Coul Links Golf Course press release
5th September 2016
160831 Press Release Final.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [141.9 KB]
Coul Links Golf Course press release
29th September 2017
Coul Links Golf Press release Final for [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [32.7 KB]
Castle Stuart and Coul no comparison
Letter to The Northern Times from Dr Tom Dargie and Andrew Weston published 17 November 2017
Adobe Acrobat document [2.8 MB]



Background literature


Site Management Statement


Coul Links / Loch Fleet species data


The Management Plan for Loch Fleet NNR - Scottish Natural Heritage


Sand Dune Vegetation Survey Of Scotland: Moray Firth


Flora Of East Sutherland - BSBI (pages 37, 39)


Survey & Assessment of Lowland Heathland Lichen Habitats (pages 14, 16, 44),%20Dune%20And%20Machair-pp1to58.pdf


Scottish Wildlife Trust

Coul Links golf development


Casework Coul Links
Scottish Government FOI response concerning communication between Defra and the Ramsar Secretariat
Scottish Parliamentary questions concerning Coul Links
1 August 2018
LSE - Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment
Trump golf course partially destroys Site of Special Scientific Interest


Our aim is to include links to any web coverage of Coul Links. We apologise for the fact that there will inevitably be ommissions that evade our searches. When multiple outlets reproduce a press release almost verbatim, only the link to the first published is included. It is probable that some older links are no longer viable.


22 November 2024

The Northern Times

Cross-party letter urges Scottish Government to 'pay heed to the clear voice' of east Sutherland residents in support of golf course at Coul Links near Embo


15 November 2024

The Press & Journal

Coul Links golf course proposals see 'overwhelming' support at Embo public meeting


14 November 2024

Scottish Greens

Coul Links site must be saved from destructive golf development


12 November 2024


New inquiry starts over controversail Scottish golf course


12 November 2024

The Scotsman

Species at protected Scottish Highland dunes would be 'almost eliminated' by golf course plans


11 November 2024

The Press & Journal

Inquiry into controversial Coul Links golf course in Sutherland begins


11 November 2024

The Northern Times

Coul Links inquiry set to start at Embo


10 November 2024

The Scotsman

Legal battle over controversial golf course plan at protected Scottish Highland wilderness to begin


10(?)  November 2024

Cookie Jar Golf Podcast

275 - Coul Links


07 November 2024

The Scotsman

Conservation organisations prepare evidence to save Coul Links


06 November 2024

Inside Ecology

Coalition of Scotland's largest nature and conservation organisations prepare compelling evidence to save Coul Links


05 November 2024

Daily Record

Campaigners gear up to fight US billionaire who wants to rival Donald Trump's golf empire



05 November 2024

Butterfly Conservation

Nature charities fight Scottish golf course plan - again


30 October 2024

The Northern Times (and The John o'Groat Journal 30 October 2024)

Coul Links 'should be preserved for future generations'


13 October 2024
The Scotsman

''I don't think anything compares': Why new Scottish golf courses are being built amid closures


3 September 2024

The Northern Times (and The Ross-Shire Journal 8 September 2024)

Scottish Government sets agenda for November hearings into controversial Coul Links golf course application


10 June 2024

RSPB Scottish Nature Notes

Coul Links update June 2024


25 May 2024

The Herald

Coul Links New Lanark comparison branded 'astonishing'


24 May 2024

The Northern Times

Scottish Government sets dates for hearings into controversial Coul Links golf course application


22 May 2024

The National

Inquiry set as Scottish ministers consider golf course on Coul Links


7 May 2024

BBC News

The Scottish beached with the missing sand


29 April

The Herald

Kate Forbes: How is she perceived in Highland constituency?


21 April 2024

The Times

Coul Links dunes are being washed away, golf course opponents say


19 April 2024

The N0rthern Times

Coul Links opponents claim controversial golf course plan faces erosion threat


14 April 2024

The National

New photos show flooding on planned site of Coul Links golf course


12 April 2024

The Scotsman

Why golfers may never reach t18th hole if controversial Coul Links course in Scottish Highlands gets green light


5 April 204

The Press & Journal

Coul Links: landowner plans affordable homes and crofts if golf course is approved


29 March 2024

BBC News

Scotland was 'hoodwinked' by Donald Trump, says former aide


24 March 2024

Herald Scotland

Kate Forbes backs controversial Coul Links golf course


22 March 2024

Scottish golf is sliding into the sea


21 March 2024

The Press & Journal (and The Northern Times 23 March 2024)

Coul Links: Controversial golf course plan backed by local tourism group during Scottish Golf Tourism week


27 February 2024

The Scotsman

Fortrose & Rosemarkie sets up emergency fund as coastal erosion becomes 'major issue'


26 February 2024

The Northern Times

Not Coul raise concerns at event in Parliament over Coul Links planning assessment document


26 February 2024

The Northern Times

Coul Links opponent MSP Ariane Burgess says best way to help Sutherland communities is to build homes - not 'golf courses on protected nature sites'


23 February 2024

Strathspey & Badenoch Herald

Highland MSP champions housing, not golf courses


22 February 2024

The Northern Times

Supporters of Coul Links golf course gather at site and call on ministers to 'respect local democracy'


20 February 24

Bird Guides

Scottish ministers call in Coul Links plans


18 February 2024


Coul Links: A battleground of progress and preservation


18 February 2024

The National

Fergus Ewing in 'astroturfing' row over Coul Links golf course plans


14 February 2024

The Times

MSPs back Coul Links golf course plan on protected Highlands land


13 February 2024

Scottish Daily Express

Fergus Ewing tells SNP government to butt out of Coul Links golf course plan or risk 'trampling on democracy'


13 february 2024


Government urged to approve controversial Scottish golf course


13 February 2024

The Herald

Coul Links: Ewing throws weight behind golf course plans


13 February 2024

Yahoo! News

Fergus Ewing joins calls for SNP to approve golf course on protected Scottish beach


13 February 2024

The Press & Journal

Rebel MSP Ewing throws weight behind controversial golf course plans


13 February 2024

The Northern Times

Politicians join forces to urge Scottish Government to support Coul Links golf course development


12 February 2024

The Highland Times

Coul Links review a big step towards halting environmental vandalism


12 February 2024

The Highland Times

Scottish Government calls in plan to build golf course on Coul Links


09 February 2024

Scottish Wildlife Trust

Ministers call-in Coul Links plans


9 February 2024

The Herald

Ministers call in controversial Coul Links golf course proposal


09 February 2024

Ireland Live

Ministers call in plans for golf course on protected land


09 February 2024

Ross-shire Journal

Scottish Government calls in Coul Links golf course application


09 February 2024

The Northern Times

Communities for Coul 'disappointed' over decision by Scottish Government to review Coul Links planning application


09 February 2024

The Northern Times

Conservation Coalition welcomes Scottish Government's decision to call in Coul Links golf course application


09 February 2024

The National

Ministers intervene as council approves golf course on Scottish beach


09 February 2024

Free Radio

Once again ScotGov to have final say on Coul Links development


09 February 2024

Government calls in council decision to approve golf course


09 February 2024

John O'Groat Journal

Scottish Government calls in Coul Links golf course application


09 February 2024

Scottish Greens

Coul Links review a big step towards halting 'environmental vandalism'


03 February 2024

The Daily Record

SNP ministers urged to block US tycoon's golf development on Highland bay amid wildlife fears


01 February 2024

The Herald

RSPB Scotland urges Scottish Government to refuse goilf course plans


01 February 2024

Scottish Daily Express

Thousands call on SNP Minister to scupper multi-million golf course development on unique Scottish coast


25 January 2024

The Northern Times

Not Coul campaigners to speak at Scottish Parliament event


25 January 2024

The Highland Times

Green MSP meets local Coul Links campaigners


05 January 2024

The Northern Times

Communities for Coul invite Coul Links opponent Green MSP Araine Burgess to visit site


28 December 2023

The National (also Yahoo!News)

Scottish Minister sent 1000 objections to Coul Links golf course plans


26 December 2023

The Northern Times

Coul Links: More than 1000 people urge ministers to call in golf course approval


21 December 2023

The Northern Times

Landowner Edward Abel Smith submits screening application for affordable housing on Coul Farm following Coul Links golf course planning consent


14 December

Scottish Greens

Save Coul Links: Sign the campaign


12 December 2023

The Herald

Coul Links: Do we need another golf course on rare dunes?


08 December 2023

The Herald

Golf course row highlights wider problem in the Highlands


08 December 2023

The Northern Times

Green MSP Ariane Burgess raises Coul Links decision at First Minister's Questions


07 December 2023

The Highland Times

Ministers urged to step in and save Coul Links


07 December 2023

The National

First minister quizzed on golf course plans at protected Scottish site


07 December 2023

The Highland Times

Local MSP urges Ministers to review controversial Coul Links decision


07 December 2023

The Mirror

Donald Trump's golf rival Mike Keiser slammed over 'damaging' plans for Scotland course


07 December 2023

Golf Business News

Coul Links plan passes Highland Council vote


07 December 2023

Scottish Greens

Scottish Green MSP urges miinisters to review controversial Coul Links decision


07 December 2023

Bird Guides

Highland Council grants permission for Coul Links golf course


07 December 2023

Sky News

Highland councillors back Coul Links golf course plan


07 December 2023

The Times

Green light for Coul Links golf course despite butterfly effect


06 December 2023

The Northern Times

'This is not the end': Campaign group Not Coul react to Coul Links planning consent


06 December 2023

Scottish Greens

Scottish Greens MSP slams 'totally inappropriate' Coul Links golf development


06 December 2023

Ministers urged to refuse coastal golf course plan after approval from council


06 December 2023

The Highland Times

Scottish Green MSP Slams 'Totally Inappropriate' Coul links Golf Development


06 December 2023

The Northern Times

Green MSP Ariane Burgess 'shocked' at Coul Links decision


06 December 2023

The Herald

Coul Links: Highland golf course on protected dunes approved


06 December 2023

The Northern Times

Conservation Coalition urges Scottish Government to again call in Coul Links golf course application following Highland Council's decision to approve it


06 December 2023

Scottish Daily Express

SNP Ministers to decide on US billionaire's golf course plan for stunning Highland coast


06 December 2023

The National

Coul Links: Row as Scottish council approves disputed golf course plan


06 December 2023

Golf Course Architecture

Coul Links plans approved by local council


06 December 2023

BBC Alba Local news

Councillors back new Coul Links golf course plan


06 December 2023

The Press & Journal

Coul Links: Councillors back controversial golf course plans


06 December 2023

The Northern Times

Communities for Coul 'absolutely delighted' over planning approval for Coul Links


05 December 2023

The Press & Journal

Coul Links golf course: The story so far


04 December 2023

The Northern Times

American businessman in shock bid to take over Golspie Golf Club - EGM to be held on Thursday


04 December 2023

The Scottish Sun

NO HOLES PARRED Plans for luxury Scottish golf resort from US billionaire who wants to rival Donald Trump hit by hundreds of complaints


04 December 2023

The Daily Record

US billionaire's controversial plans for Highlands golf course deemed too damaging to nature


30 November 2023

The Press & Journal

Jim McGillivray: There's no public money, so why write off private Coul Links investment?


28 November 2023

The Northern Times

Coul Links rejection recommendation 'right response', says Green MSP


28 November 2023

The Scottish Daily Express

Controversial plan to turn Highland dune system into world-class golf course stuck in the rough


28 November 2023

The Northern Times

Councillors under pressure as Coul Liunks decision meeting looms


28 November 2023


New Coul Links golf course recommended for refusal


27 November 2023

The Press & Journal

Coul Links golf course plans could be REFUSED on environmental grounds


27 November 2023

The Northern Times

Coul Links golf course application recommended for refusal by Highland Council planners


01 September 2023

The Northern Times

Investigative journalism platform uncovers direct link between Communities for Coul and US golf developers


30 August 2023

The Northern Times

Highland Council delays decision on Coul Links application


27 August 2023
The Ferret (in tandem with The Sunday Post)

Group labelled 'astroturfing front' for US golf developers


4 August 2023

The Northern Times

NatureScot's Coul Links objection branded 'unfair, unjustified and innaccurate'


4 August 2023

The Press & Journal

Coul Links: community group claims NatureScot objection is 'unfair, unjustified and inaccurate'


30 July 2023

The Observer

An 'AstroTurf front' for developers? Row over plans to build an eco golf course on a Scottish heritage site



19 May 2023

The Northern Times

Coul Links landowner promises 'crossing' over Loch Fleet if golf course gets go-ahead


18 May 2023

The Northern Times
Dornoch Area Community Council votes 4:2 to support Coul Links


17 May 2023

BBC News

Nature agency's concerns over new Coul Links golf course


17 May 2023

The Insider

NatureScot objects to plans for golf course at Coul Links


17 May 2023

The Herald

Coul Links: Golf course plans suffer NatureScot blow


17 May 2023

The National

NatureScot object to plans for Coul links golf course


17 May 2023

The Times

Naturalists object to billionaire's Coul Links golf course plan


17 May 2023

Horticulture Week

NatureScot objects to plans for a luxury golf course at Coul Links


17 May 2023

Third Force News

Coalition rounds on developer as its plans will damage site of national importance


17 May 2023


NatureScot objects to plans for a luxury golf course at Coul Links


12 May 2023

The Northern Times

NatureScot's objection to Coul Links welcomed by Green MSP Ariane Burgess


12 May 2023
The Northern Times

Green light for Coul Links would be 'life-enhancing' for East Sutherland, says Runrig star Rory MacDonald


9 May 2023

The Northern Times

'We are unable to support this proposal': NatureScot deals blow to Coul Links plan


4 May 2023
The Press & Journal
Coul Links golf plan could help stop drain of young people from Sutherland


1 May 2023

The Northern Times

Coul Links developers claim opposition to golf course plan is being whipped up by national organisations as hundreds of objections made to Highland Council


26 April 2023
The Press & Journal

Coul Links: Objectors outnumber supporters 2 to 1 - but should the powers that be just concentrate on what locals think?


20 April 2023

The Press & Journal

Would-be golf course developer backs Coul Links plan


16 April 2023

The Ferret (also The National)

Coul Links developer donated to climate denial group


7 April 2023

The Northern Times

Coul Links golf course development in spotlight as public consultation period nears end


7 April 2023

The Northern Times

Coul Links debate - AGAINST: 'Harm to landscape and access to vital dunes'


7 April 2023

The Northern Times

Coul Links debate - FOR: 'Course will help to protect environment'


7 April 2023

Environment Journal

Irreplaceable Coul Links area threatened by golf course


6 April 2023

The Northern Times

Coul Links promotional video criticised for use of stock imagery


3 April 2023

Butterfly Conservation

The threat to Coul Links is back


31 March 2023

The Press & Journal

Coul Links: Environmentalists issue new appeal to public to stop golf course plans


30 March 2023


Save Coul Links - here's why we will be objecting (again) and what you can do to help


30 March 2023

Scottish Wildlife Trust

Conservation Coalition calls for public's help again to save Coul Links


30 March 2023

Scottish Field

Conservationists object to Coul Links golf course


29 March 2023

The Highland Times

Green MSP Raises Concerns Over Video Fakery in Coul Links Campaign


29 March 2023

The Scotsman

Video featuring 'fake' locals branded 'embarrassing' in US billionaire's bid to build championship golf course on scenic Scottish Highland dunes


24 March 2023

The Northern Times

Dornoch Community Council to hold special 'fact finding' meeting before deciding its stance on Coul Links


20 March 2023

Links Magazine

Could the Scottish Highlands become a golf destination on par with St. Andrews?


17 March 2023

Sky News

Walking group fighting fresh plans for Coul Links golf course in the Highlands 'that will cross John o'Groats Trail'


17 March 2023

The National

Group behind Coul Links golf course proposal defend plans


17 March 2023

The Northern Times

'Deeply concerning': Green MSP Ariane Burgess speaks out against renewed Coul Links plan


17 March 2023

BBC News

Walking group opposes fresh plans for Coul Links golf course


16 March 2023

Scottish Daily Express

Fears over iconic Scottish sand dunes as developer plots new 18-hole golf course


16 March 2023

The Highland Times

Green MSP condemns return of Coul Links threat


16 March 2023

John O'Groat Journal

Ramblers Scotland gear up for fresh fight against Coul Links golf course plan with launch of petition

Also The Northern Times


16 March 2023

The National

Ramblers Scotland voices opposition to revived Coul Links development


16 March 2023


Walkers fight to once again save Highland dunes


7 March 2023

The Press & Journal - Planning Ahead Highland

Major plans unveiled for Coul Links golf course


24 February 2023

The Press and Journal

First impression of planned £20m eco-hotel for Coul Links golf resort


24 February 2023

Golf Business News

Planning consent given for Coul Links hotel


23 February 2023


Boost for Coul Links as hotel permission granted


22 February 2023

The Northern Times

Planning consent granted for first phase of £20 million Coul links eco-hotel granted-for-first-phase-of-20-million-coul-304334/

10 February 2023

Beyond the Contour

Mike Keiser, Coore & Crenshaw's Coul Links Planning Application Resubmitted


9 February 2023

Golf Course Architecture

Community group sublits new planning application for Coul Links


9 February 2023

The Northern Times

Major milestone reached as community group lodges fresh planning application for championship golf course at Coul Links


2 February 2023

Chronicle Herald

Opinion - Raymond Plourde: Pop Cabot's trial balloon now


2 February 2023

The Herald

North Coast 500: Staffing shortages threaten Scotland's tourist route


4 November 2022
The National

Plans for Sutherland golf course backed as 'essential' for local economy economy/


3 November 2022

The Northern Times

New owners of Dornoch Hotel get behind bid for championship golf course at Coul Links and donate £10k to community group pushing plan forward


3 November 2022

Ross-Shire Journal
Easter Ross town of Tain could tee up spin off from new world-class Coul Links golf course at Dornoch, claim owners of luxury hotel


3 November 2022

Golf Business News

Dornoch Hotel owners back plans to build new course at Coul Links


24 October 2022

The Northern Times

Community group behind renewed bid for Coul Links golf course reaches £150k fundraising target towards costs of submitting planning application
21 October 2022
Keiser "Coul Links can be one of the greatest courses in the world"
20 October 2022
Golf Business News
Design tean rates Coul Links site as potential for 'one of the world's great courses'
26 September 2022
Sports Illustrated
Chasing (and Building) Authenticity: Mike Keiser's Approach to Good Golf and Good Business
11 August 2022
The Press and Journal
Planning chairman tells members to 'keep and open mind' on new Coul links golf course plans
2 August 2022
BBC News
New Coul Links golf plans outlined to council
27 July 2022
The Press and Journal
Coul Links: golf course plans still driving a wedge between rival groups
27 July 2022
The Press and Journal
Coul Links: revived golf course plans go on display to the public in Sutherland
19 July 2022
The Press and Journal
Coul Links: Group behind golf course plans issues challenge to environmental critics

17 July 2022

Internationally protected Coul Links once again under threat from golf course


15 July 2022

ENDS Report

Golf course plans could see decline of second rare dune habitat, warn NGOs


12 July 2022

The Herald

In the shadow of Trump. Coul Links golf course controversy


12 July 2022

Coul Links once again under threat from golf course


9 July 2022

The Northern Times

Environmental coalition voices concern over renewed Coul Links golf course plan


8 July 2022

The National

Coul Links golf course: Concerns raised over plans to build on Sutherland dunes


8 July 2022

The Press and Journal

The Coul Links saga continues: Application for world class course could be in by autumn


8 July 2022

The Times

Charities united against golf course on wildlife site


8 July 2022

The Herald

Coul Links: New golf course plans raise concerns


8 July 2022

STV News

Internationally protected site 'under threat' from 18-hole golf course


8 July 2022

BBC News

Coul Links: Environmental groups voice concern at golf course plans


8 July 2022

RSPB (press release)

Internationally protected Coul Links once again under threat from golf course


27 June 2022

The Press and Journal

A 'perfect fit': Canadian golf course resort operator acquires Castle Stuart with plans for second course and luxury homes


24 June 2022

The Northern Times

Public exhibition to be held in Embo next month on Coul Links golf course plan


8 June 2022

Sports Illustrated

Coul Links Prospects Heating Up Again


2 May 2022


Conservation groups hit back at plans for "world-class" links


4 April 2022

STV News

Plans resurface for golf course developemnt on protected site


31 March 2022


Crowd-funding campaign launched for new Scottish course


25 March 2022

Golf Business News

Coul Links developers submit more 'environmentally sensitive' plan


25 March 2022

BBC News

Group says golf project would protect dune habitat


25 March 2022

Golf Course Architecture

Coul Links project resurfaces with submission of scoping application


25 March 2022

The Northern Times

Communities for Coul reach major milestone with submission of 'scoping application' to Highland Council for championship golf course at Coul Links


25 November 2022

The Press and Journal

Fresh Coul Links plan promises to be 'environmentally sensitive' as major golf course project moves a step closer


25 November 2021

The Northern Times

Sutherland beaches at risk of being lost within 30 years due to coastal erosion


22 October 2021

The Northern Times

'Coul' response to council


15 October 2021

Business Insider

Satellite photos show how Trump wrecked a sensitive sand dune system in Scotland to build a luxury golf course


15 October 2021

The Northern Times

Cool response to request for Coul Links support letter


16 June 2021

The Press and Journal

New bid for controversial luxury 18-hole golf course in Highlands given boost after public vote


16 June 2021

The Northern Times

Local poll result shows majority backing for golf course at Coul Links


6 June 2021

The Press and Journal

First look at what a proposed £20m eco hotel in the Highlands could look like


4 June 2021

The Northern Times

Coul Entreprises lodges planning application for first phase of its £20m eco hotel development in Sutherland


May 2021

Transition Black Isle

Coul Links - Mike Keiser back in the picture


28 May 2021

The Northern Times

East Sutherland communities to be canvassed to gauge level of local support for renewed Coul Links golf course plan


17 May 2021

The Northern Times

C4C to hold 'Town Hall' meetings to update East Sutherland communities on Coul Links golf plan


29 April 2021


Coul Links announces return of Mike Keiser to proposed development


29 April 2021

The Northern Times

'Major milestone' as Communities For Coul tee up golf course architect Mke Keiser


24 April 2021

The Northern Times

Loch Fleet crossing a 'fantastic idea'


19 April 2021

More golf courses in Scotland too coarse for the environment


31 March 2021

Planet Golf

Farmer reveals plan to rebuild lost Scottish links at Castlecraig


28 March 2021

The Northern Times

Coul Links Hotel developer launches 'Coul Collective' and calls for local businesses to become involved


27 March 2021

Ross-Shire Jounal (also 28 March 2021 The Northern Times)

'Worls class' Easter Ross golf course vision has history behind it as Nigg farmer reveals plans for major development which would tee up boost for local economy


27 March 2021


Highlands farmer hopes to build new 'world class' Scottish course


25 March 2021

The Northern Times

Coul Links an election issue


25 March 2021

The Press & Journal

Farmer unveils plans for world class golf course on site at Nigg



21 March 2021

The Scotsman

Coul Links: Leading economist says new Scottish government guidance could pave way for golf course approval as pandemic highlights need for 'crucial' investment


21 March 2021

The Guardian

Renewed Highland golf course plan has environmentalists crying 'Fore!'


19 February 2021

The Northern Times

Dornoch hotelier plans four-star upgrade if renewed Coul Links golf course plan successful


18 February 2021

The Press & Journal

Clubs chip in support for move to revive Coul Links plan


17 February 2021

Brora Golf Club news

Brora support for new Coul Links plans


10 February 2021

The Northern Times

Lease agreement reached over Coul Links


9 February 2021


'Defeated' golf course plans to be resurrected


5 February 2021

BBC Sounds - Good Morning Scotland

starting 1:16:50 in


5 February 2021

The Press & Journal

Highland community to lease site earmarked for revived golf course plan


5 February 2021

BBC News

Coul Links: New plans for golf course in Sutherland


29 January 2021

The Northern Times

Investors prepared to back Coul Links Hotel


28 January 2021

The Press & Journal

Plans to build eco hotel if Highland golf course development is revived


26 January 2021

The Press & Journal

Controversial golf course plans could be back on as campaign group calls refusal 'grave disservice' to area


22 January 2021

The Northern Times

Community group formed to revive Coul Links golf plan


13 December 2020

The National

Scotland 'let down' by Trump over £1 billion boost fail, ex-advisor says


9 December 2020

Scottish Construction Now

Sand dunes damaged by Trump's golf links at Menie stripped of conservation status


7 December 2020

The Courier
Number of planning decisions overturned by Scottish Government raises fears for local democracy


21 October 2020


Approval for second Trump International golf course in Scotland


20 October 2020

The Northern Times (also Ross-Shire Journal 21 October 2020)

Two-year obstacle to new Coul Links plan


2 October 2020

The Northern Times

Golf course at Coul Links in the frame again


19 September 2020

Scottish Wildlife Trust

Coul Links decision should draw a line in the sand


14 September 2020

The Scotsman

Campaigners pledge to fight new plan for golf course at wildlife site


10 September 2020

Links Magazine

Dumbarnie and Coul Links: How two acclaimed links course proposals met vastly different fates


14 August 2020

We need your votes! Save Coul Links campaign shortlisted for Scottish Charity Awards!


1 July 2020

The Planner

Planning reporters delivered an improved performance during 2019/20


29 June 2020

John O'Groat Journal and Caithness Courier

Focus must be on socio-economic benefit from spaceport, says Thurso councillor


17 May 2020

The Northern Times

As I see it: It is now over to Coul Links opponents to develop the area for eco-tourism


9 May 2020

The Herald

The walk: Littleferry - great for wildlife, but not for golf





Letters to Northern Times 24 November 2017
Northern Times letters 24.11.17.pdf
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